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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Which Star Trek Character am I?

I'm a little surprised that the results were so conclusive, but I guess that psychology degree wasn't for nothing. She was always my favorite anyway.

You are a caring and loving individual.
You understand people's emotions and
you are able to comfort and counsel them.

You are Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi 95%
Beverly Crusher 75%
Spock 72%
Will Riker 70%
Uhura 50%
Worf 50%
An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 50%
Geordi LaForge 45%
Leonard McCoy (Bones) 40%
Chekov 40%
Data 33%
James T. Kirk (Captain) 30%
Mr. Sulu 20%
Jean-Luc Picard 20%
Mr. Scott 10%

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Quiz

1 comment:

Derek the Great said...

I'm Will Riker--80 percent. Fun quiz.