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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Recycle Twice

I find myself giving high praise to our new town for how easy they make the job of recycling. The collection point is just a short drive down the road and the hours it is open are convenient. Honestly, though, the fact that I have a little more space in my house to STORE items for recycling has probably been the biggest factor leading to more success in this effort in the last six months or so. I have a room with a wall that can be dedicated to bins for collecting items and, as long as I stay on top of it and get everything carried away every 2-3 weeks, our trash load remains light.

An added benefit of saving everything from cardboard containers and newspapers to the plastics, cans and jars our food comes in is that our stash of “crafty” materials is constantly being refurbished and refreshed. It is really heartening to see the kids spend an afternoon creating something from a selection of flattened cereal boxes and toilet paper tubes they’ve removed from the recycle boxes. More than once, a monstrosity of an object has been constructed on my kitchen table before one kid or another decides it isn’t quite turning out to be what they hoped it would be.

Back to the recycle bin it goes.

“It’s okay,” I overheard my daughter telling my son as they hauled a “rocking mailbox” with a maze-like slot back to the porch. “We’ll try again next week. It’ll be even better.”

I’m really enjoying the fact that we are not only recycling, but that much of what is leaving our house is getting recycled twice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, sometimes I think you and I think too much alike! Yesterday, I literally spent the better part of the morning focused on recycling. Calling, emailing and researching because I'm still frustrated that in my City and County, there isn't enough efforts. I was gonna blog about my experiences, but got so busy, I put it off. Maybe today.
Either way - sure am glad to see someone that cares like I do!