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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just pass me a Bud Light, please.

I didn’t watch the Super Bowl. Hubby wasn’t interested this year and it didn’t even come upon my radar till I found myself at the store that morning and saw the displays of game food. In a bizarre twist, however, I just managed to spend more time on YouTube watching Super Bowl commercials that I typically spend on television in a full week.

See those pigs flying? And you know if you read my hubby’s blog that hell hath likely frozen over…

Yes, I opted to watch the commercials without the TV.

All I can say for myself is… Bud Light, you are my beer of choice this year.

Best Commercial IMHO:

Bud Light: Rock Paper Scissors.
Most of the other Bud Light commercials made my top 10 list.

Honorable Mentions:
Chevy HHR Car Wash
Emerald Nuts, Robert Goulet (I’m a fan, I can’t help it.)
E Trade One Finger

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