
You can now find me writing here...

Monday, February 19, 2007

... and now back to your regularly scheduled program...

I guess it's only been two days, but I feel like I've been missing a while. Got a little under the weather at the end of last week, but left for the weekend anyway. Hanging out with old friends always revives my spirit. And sure enough, woke up on Sunday morning with the feel of spring in the air. Got in a pleasant little drive across Kansas, played some basketball in the driveway, and I'm STILL looking forward to a day off. Must bake a cake or at least have some cookies in honor of the presidents, no?

Honestly, I could have stayed in bed all morning. Very nearly did. Cat didn't mind. Dog didn't mind. We make quite a lazy trio, the three of us.

Anyhoo... perhaps I'll have more to say tomorrow.

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