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Friday, February 16, 2007

Ready for Spring

This is a reprint from the website, but I'm feeling it even more this week!

It wasn’t too long ago that I was longing for a break from the summer heat and now I find myself looking out through our sliding glass doors, noting that the snow is STILL there (it’s the shady side of the house, that ground has been white for three solid weeks or more). I’m daydreaming about bicycles and late evening games of basketball at the hoop in our driveway. I’m thinking about walks to the park and sitting out under the trees reading books from the library. It’s February and my daily routine is slowing. I’m doing my best not to let it halt. No longer feeling invigorated by the cold, I’m waiting for the first signs of spring to appear. I’m longing for that morning when I am finally pulled from bed, after a long winter’s nap, by the happy chatter of birds; Imagining that day when the promise of sunrise will make that 5am walk with the dog (which I’ve pushed back to 8 or 9) appealing again.

The kids are feeling it, too. We’ve nearly worn out our board games. Our basket of card games has been sorted twice over. Yesterday, my daughter and I settled on an endless game of war while listening to an audio book. We’ve used and abused our Netflix rentals. Computers have hummed, non-stop, with games and projects. We’ve reenacted the battles of history (or more aptly, fantasy) and tested every aspect of SIMS life we can think of. Last night, my son pulled out his real (toy) bow and arrow. He looked longingly at the sandbox, hidden beneath a blanket of icy snow.

“Do you think our sand will be any good when the snow melts?” he asked. “We should get our bikes out again. We should go play at the park.”

It’s this time of year that might have to remind myself how much I love the change of seasons. I have to tell myself we aren’t worn out or burnt out or suffering from the same old routine… we are just ready for spring.

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