
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

School Bus Races

I wouldn't typically consider myself a race fan, but I found myself, none-the-less, at the race track in Dodge City this weekend. My sister and my oldest daughter, especially, had talked up the school bus races quite a bit. I had never seen such a thing and I'm almost always willing to try anything at least once.

First, these guys went all out with their school buses. There was Miss Piggy and some take-off on a UPS truck. Budweiser had a bus all prettied up and red. A classy green and purple bus was called, The Joker. My favorite bus was entirely green and had, "She thinks my bus is sexxxxy," written down the side.

I knew it was going to be especially entertaining when one bus caught fire (seriously -- BIG fire under the bus) before lap one was even completed.

It took them a while to get the show on the road, but we never lacked for excitement. The race was a figure-eight, switching from the outer dirt track to the inner concrete track on each loop. There were no stop lights for switching lanes -- it was pedal to the metal and all out tires squealing to get where they wanted to go.

After 8 figure-eight laps, I can't even remember who was declared the winner, but it was worth every minute of seeing pieces of bus flying everywhere and watching them swing those big old lumbering things around those corners.

Who knew school bus driving could be so much fun?

The Dodge City Days website.


Anonymous said...

I've seen news reporters do segments on bus racing. It looked like such a hoot! The figure 8 track makes for lots of close calls! Would you go again? I may have to go next year!
Magoo's Mom

LoryKC said...

I've never heard of such a thing but it looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Guess I've led a sheltered life for I've not heard of this before now! So, I'm thinking, when I choose my next career I'll certainly consider bus driving. Didn't know it could be so much fun! And no kids involved either! Maybe Eve would like to ride with me though? Oma