
Monday, July 31, 2006

Scenes from the Dodge City Days Parade

Marking the end of the annual 4-H fair and the beginning of a full week or so of true west activities, the Dodge City Days Parade has long been a highlight of my summers. Judging by the crowds we saw lining the streets a full hour before the parade was to begin this year, I’d say there are many folks who feel the same.

I’m not as hard-core as my sister, who makes a point of being in Dodge City for the parade every year, but I would say in the course of my entire life I’ve probably only missed the parade a handful of times.

I was thinking of the various ways I have participated in the parade myself. I know I completed the route on horseback at least a couple of times. A number of years I remember participating with the gymnastics team. We’d flip-flop our way down the street and cartwheel our way around the horse plops. It seems I rode a float a time or two, as well.

What I remember most about the parade in more recent years is the gathering of friends and family. Our location for watching has changed, but it seems there have always been a number of us, gathering in the same spot and making plans to watch the parade together. Even though we are no longer living there, I enjoyed making my way to a shady spot with my folding chair and being surrounded by familiar faces. My kids had a curb-side seat and a bag for collecting candy. I imagine there was a time when my cousins and I anticipated the parade in much the same way, dreaming up ways we’d be in the parade ourselves one day.

The parade was led this year by the Patriot Riders, a large group of motorcycle riders who have become well known in this part of the world for placing themselves between some rather distasteful Kansans who have been known to protest funerals and the funerals themselves. So steeped in tradition are the folks that attend the parade, initially there was a collective gasp of disbelief. The parade has always been led by people on horseback! What? Where are the horses?

But pride and patriotism soon won over as the crowd began to whoop and applaud. Bikers with American flags and a whole lot of good in their hearts – sure, we’d let them lead our parade.

We were then treated to an hour of quite a variety of machines and floats on display. There was a little something for everyone; horse and buggy, big CAT tractors, antique cars, clowns in fire trucks, a number of politicians hoping a little face time would help them out in the coming elections…

I can’t say that I am an expert on parades or that I’ve even been to many other than Dodge City’s big production. But even as a native Dodge Citian (and isn’t it true that it’s always hardest to impress the natives?), I’m impressed with the time and energy that goes into this parade each year. It’s a class act and it kicks off a great week of fun in Dodge City, Kansas.

Some highlights from this year’s parade:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the parade! Dodge City's parade is the longest I've ever watched. It goes on and on and on! Was it 100 degrees? Who was the musical headliner for opening night? Did a thunderstorm interrupt it as usual? Oh! The traditions!
Magoo's Mom

LoryKC said...

Looks like fun!
My kids have not completely forgiven us for being out-of-town when the 4-H Fair was being held down the street.
Wonderful pics! Thanks for sharing!