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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Big Day

Today is first of two days for the bar exam. Bubba Hubby just left looking calm, cool, and collected.

I, on the other hand, have some major butterflies.

This is our last hurdle, I guess. Two and a half years have led to this point. He will take the test, start his job next Monday... life goes on.

I was looking at our photo album last night. I've managed to fill one huge three-ring binder since we've been here in Topeka (and I do all my photos digitally/many pictures per page -- so that's a heck of a lot of pictures).

Sometimes I feel like I've done a lot of waiting for this point in time. But mostly I'm amazed how quickly it has passed and how much we have done....

Good times. Good friends. More good things to come.


LoryKC said...

I wish your hubby luck and good wishes to you, too! ;)
My hubbie went through medical school, residency...and now, while practicing, he's getting his MBA! So I'm very familiar with the waiting part!
After the exam, I'm sure he'll have more free time for family so that right there is worth waiting for! ;)

Monica Jackson said...

I really like very, very little about this city. I'm hoping to be gone before my daughter gets out of elementary school. There is so little for her here.

It's cheap. The library is good. I do wish it was prettier. Actually, I wish it was Lawrence ;-)