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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Four Things

Thanks to Kim at Relaxed Homeskool, for making your tags so inclusive. I've been seeing this MEME and thought it looked kind of fun... now I can consider myself tagged!

4 jobs you have had in your life

  1. desktop publisher at CopyMax, Topeka
  2. adjunct pscyhology instructor, Dodge City Community College
  3. medical supplies assistant & operations coordinator, ORBIS International, Houston
  4. periodicals/bindery preparation assistant, Watson Library, KU
and that doesn't count my favorite job, mothering, and any freelance writing or editing I have managed to do!

4 movies you could watch over and over

  1. Shrek
  2. Back to the Future (all of them)
  3. Hook (or any Peter Pan movie, really
  4. Ever After

4 places you have been on vacation

  1. Ixtapa, Mexico
  2. San Antonio, Texas
  3. Chicago, Illinois
  4. Lamar, Missouri

4 websites you visit daily

  1. Dear Abby -- I should be embarrased to admit it, but I always read Dear Abby
  2. bubba hubby's blog
  3. Topeka Capital Journal
  4. and/or

4 of your favorite foods

  1. Shrimp from Pappasitos
  2. Chocolate (any kind)
  3. Chocolate with coconut (even better)
  4. thin crust pizza from Glory Days with pepperoni, mushroom & jalapenos.

4 places you would rather be right now

  1. in my new, yet unknown, hopefully to be bigger home in Emporia
  2. but really, pretty content where I am
  3. maybe sitting in a more comfy chair, but in front of my computer, just like I am right now
  4. really, it's not such a bad place to be

4 cars you have owned

  1. 1998 Toyota Camry (still own)
  2. 1989 Dodge Caravan (still own)
  3. 1987? Chevy Voyager? (looked just like the Caravan, only uglier)
  4. 19?? Chevy Celebrity? (gray, four doors)
I'm not good with car makes & models. I had to pull out the insurance cards for details on my current vehicles.

4 bloggers you are tagging

  1. YOU
  2. Samantha
  3. Tracie
  4. Cheryl

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