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Sunday, February 26, 2006

No More Secrets, No More Lies!

You would never guess this about me, but for the past several months I've been keeping a big secret from bubba hubby. I've been sending sneaky emails, making phone calls when he wasn't around, and getting "good cover story" coaching from one of my best friends (she knows who she is -- I won't bother to name names).

I'm generally not very good at lying, but thanks to his distracted state of being, I got away with it. Honestly, there were so many clues he could have picked up on, I was almost surprised that he was truly surprised when the big day came -- last Wednesday.

The bar exam was two days long. On Wednesday, the second and final day of the exam, the brother-in-law travelled ALL the way from Oregon with his two wonderful kids to surprise dear hubby. I had some anxious moments in preparation -- but it all turned out WAY cool and was well worth any stress I took on by keeping secrets.

Rand got home just before 5 o'clock on Wednesday. The kids and I had "planned" a nice dinner at home and just time to hang out. Aside from having to talk him OUT of calling his brother and dad as soon as he arrived home from the test, the whole surprise thing worked out pretty well. Derek (hubby's brother) called on the phone about the time Rand normally would have expected a call from him. So they were just chatting and catching up on the test AS Derek and his sons were actually getting out of their rental car in front of our house!

The kids and I were just giddy. It was fun -- and the look on Rand's face was just priceless. Derek was ALL the way in the door and about four feet away when Rand realized that the voice he was hearing on the phone was right there!

So that's been the past four days at our house... entertaining nephews from Oregon (one we had never actually met before!) and hanging out with the brother-in-law. Lots of fun.

We were joined this weekend by two families of good friends and their children and our very tiny house held up well to all the company. Good times! A little more video recorded to remind us all 10 years from now, just how young we were. Lots of pictures (I hope good -- haven't looked at them yet).

And now the secrecy of the past many months is all behind us. How is it that the things we look forward to and plan so carefully pass so quickly?

My sister says that's the worst thing about vacations -- the end of them. Well, I'm not going to dwell on it being over. I'm just going to load all my pictures and re-live the past five days a little while longer.

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