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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Up All Night

I've been a bit under the weather. Just a head cold. Started with a little bit of a sore throat, but that passed quickly. Mostly just feeling a little crappy and lulling about. Not sleeping well. Last night I exiled myself to the couch because hubby has a final today and I really wanted him to be able to sleep well. I was in tossing and turning mode. I figured there was no need to keep both of us up when he needed to be sharp first thing this morning.

It was a weird, weird night.

I started off (dreaming, of course) selling boxes of candy bars on e-bay for my brother-in-law. He had just bought a new house, that had apparently once been a warehouse, and the boxes of candy bars came with the property. The weird thing was, I was making millions on these candy bars, and I was feeling really guilty because the B-I-L had just been happy to get the boxes out of his house. I didn't think he really expected me to PROFIT from his gift. So I went to him and let him know just how well the boxes were selling, suggesting that I needed to give him a percentage of the profits. Instead of agreeing, he showed me to another room in his new house that was filled with bolts of fabric! His proposal was that I sell these too, on ebay, and we would split those profits 50/50.

I'm not sure that dreams are anything more than a restless mind trying to put itself to sleep, but the image of that room full of yards and yards of cloth has sure stuck with me. Any dream interpreters out there? Thoughts?

I'm honestly not sure if I was asleep more than I was awake last night. At one point, I remember hearing the dog growl and I woke to find her doing little woof-woofs in her sleep. She always sleeps on my feet and last night was no exception, but I have to wonder if her growling was at some rabbit in a dream or at me for disturbing her sleep so much.

The night got really rough, however, when I found myself wide awake and thinking things like, "What does it matter? Nothing matters? We're all getting old. We're all going to die anyway. So who why bother?" Anyone who knows me... well, you know that this is just not the way I think. I'm not a despairing, doom-and-gloom sort of person.

I was soooo relieved when hubby was out of bed at 4 o'clock this morning. I think I was awake, just waiting for him to get up. I jumped up, showered, got started reading a new book. Then I did some yoga and took the dog on the first long, real walk we've had in nearly a week. By 7 am I had accomplished more than I did all day yesterday.

Now I'm wondering when it's going to hit me... that I really haven't had much sleep. I think today is going to be a nap day.


Anonymous said...

Oh...the bizarre fever dreams are the most entertaining.

Samantha said...

Hope you are feeling better...

As far as dream interpretations go. The fabric was meant to be donated to me so I could make cool things :) or the fabric means nesting in some way or creating. The money means maybe you'd like to have a little more.

Derek the Great said...

Hmmm. I think maybe it means that you routinely do a bunch of work for your brother in law, and you probably deserve some compensation of some sort. Next time I see you, I will buy you a candy bar.