
You can now find me writing here...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Proving that I CAN Procrastinate

For a number of years now, all of my success as a writer (or maybe I should say freelancer, to more accurately sum up all I’ve done… for money… on my own) has happened between the hours of 5am and 9am. Of late, however, I’m finding the hour doesn’t really seem to matter… I’m all about perfecting the arts of procrastination and avoidance ANY time of day.

I was just telling Bubba Hubby, for instance, that since the morning hours hadn’t been working as well for writing, of late, I was going to try the old night owl schedule that I was once so deeply fond of. Well here it is. Everyone is in bed. The only noise is the sound of my refrigerator humming, the ticking of the clock, and a creak I can’t identify, but I’m pretty sure it’s coming from my nearly-five-year-old avocado tree. (Could it be falling over? I don’t know. Perhaps I ought to investigate…)

Since I’ve put my butt in this chair, for the purposes of writing this evening (and no, whining in my blog doesn’t really count as WRITING) I’ve found about a dozen things to distract myself. Trips to the bathroom. Flossing my teeth. Fingernails need cut. Changing shirts. Looking for munchies. Convincing myself not to eat them. Chasing down a fly. Making a list of all the important things to do tomorrow. Going ahead and doing a couple of those things just to get a head start on my list. Checking my email 15 times (you never know who might send an urgent email at 10pm). Reading the comics online… again. Making a list of potential blog topics. Blogging… THIS.

I’ve been here before. I know the answer is to just sit my butt in the chair and start typing. It’s. Just. So. Dodgarned. Hard!

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JUST DO IT !!!!!!!!!!