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Friday, September 30, 2005

Celebrating Three Weeks, Job Free

Today I received my very last paycheck from the place I no longer work. It's been right at three weeks... and a pretty good three weeks it has been.


  1. I am cooking real meals again... and I mostly remember how to do it. (Yesterday, I made a shrimp and pasta dish that didn't turn out quite the way I remembered... but for the most part, everybody is eating with smiles on their faces.)

  2. My kids are EATING with smiles on their faces. I swear, their palates had become soooo limited. Now they are trying new things and even, occasionally, liking these things. My oldest is eating STIR FRY... complete with cabbage and mushrooms and snow peas and all those things kids (at least my kids) usually go "bleck" at.

  3. I am way relaxed again with kid projects and "learning" because there is no limit to our time together. I don't have to worry about getting ready to leave or having time to clean it up or anything. We made GOOP today. Goop is a messy, messy project and we haven't done messy projects in ages because I was forever feeling without enough time to clean them up.

  4. Bike riding... lots of family bike rides. Fun!

  5. Family TIME. Not just me and the kids or the hubby and the kids, but ALL of us together, hanging out and doing things. Again! Fun!

  6. Socializing. We haven't had to say no to a single homeschool group outing because I'm always available. Better yet, we don't have to leave early on the days we do go because I DON'T HAVE TO BE ANYWHERE. Yeah!

  7. Bubba Hubby. Have I told you how adorable he is? And I get to see lots of him now. And I'm somehow managing NOT to drive him crazy with my constant presence.

  8. The budget. It's easier to be frugal when you aren't constantly giving yourself breaks and allowing yourself to spend more money because of "all the hard work" you are doing. Trust me. It's true. And it's not even painful... it more kind of fills me with pride.

  9. Walking. I'm averaging 3.5 to 4 miles per day. Feels good. The dog is getting in good shape, too.

  10. Picture book is all caught up. FINALLY! Although not ALL the picture books/scrap books are caught up... but the big, main, family book which is very important to me in what is probably a weird and obsessive way... it IS up to date. I'm loving it!


  1. .... hmmm.... sorry. Just not coming up with anything right now.

I just love being master of my own time.

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