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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is it too early to declare it... S P R I N G?

We may not hibernate like bears, but string a few warm days together and the world sure starts to look a little different. People, people... everywhere.

Our last two trips to the park where we often walk the dogs... the place was barely recognizable. Girls tossed baseballs. Boys played frisbee (okay -- disk golf, still looks like frisbee to me). Little kids swarmed over the playground equipment -- up ladders, down slides. Moms pushed strollers. Young couples strolled hand in hand. A boy and his dog ran and ran -- going nowhere in particular, but getting there quickly.

Our own pup spent a whole lot of time nosing at that strange green stuff poking up from a blanket of dead, dry yellow.

There is rain in the forecast today, but I look for it to be a good, warm spring kind of rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No sign of spring yet here. It was -20 yesterday morning and now we're about to get 5 cm of snow (which is better than the 30 we got last Saturday). It's been a wild winter here (over 15 feet of snow in Québec thus far) and I've definitely had enough.

Something about that entry, though, totally took me back to when we lived in Missouri. I can't decide if I'm feeling nostalgic for the time we lived there or if I just feel this way because I know it will get up to 16°C there this week and the best we'll see here is 2°C.