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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

One & Some Thankful Thoughts

For most of today, I've had just one kid. The other two are off visiting the grandparents. I like having the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with each of my kids. It really changes the pace of a day. Time seems to move a little slower. Each conversation is a bit more of a luxury. Fewer distractions, interuptions... fewer voices in the mix, I guess.

Munchkin #2 and I ran far too many errands today, met a friend for lunch, did some Christmas shopping (hit three stores! a record for me in one afternoon) and picked up a pile of books at the library. We've pretty much both spent the rest of the afternoon reading. There was quite a chill in the air today. A few snow pellets now and again. It was a good day for curling up with a good book.

Our last project before bed.

Thanks for hot cocoa
Having a home that keeps the cold out
Adventures and fun
Naisey, Nancy, and our cat, Sooterkin
Kitchens and cooking yummy stuff
Stories that take our minds to new places
Giving and getting backrubs
Ice and snow (now that we have our winter clothes out!)
Vivid memories of good times
Nighttime stars to wish on
Games played with the whole family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for my friends
Kids to play with
Summer, spring, the seasons
Girls night out
Very good life
No place like home
Go anywhere, anytime