
You can now find me writing here...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wanted or Abandoned

If a young pup shows up on your door stop at o'dark thirty... collarless, dirty, skin and bones... do you assume she's just lost and someone is looking for her or do you assume she's a pup nobody cares about? Poor thing piddled on herself when I paid her some attention. She even captured hubby's heart, apparently, as he's the one who called me outside to see if something was the matter with her.

She's now got a collar and a solid meal in her belly. She's napping in a crate on our patio. I told the kids not to name her... just yet... just in case.

Am I a sucker or what?

Photos are likely to soon follow.


Anonymous said...

If someones looking, the picture will
be posted on the community board at
grocery store, quik shop...
that's been my experience, and nooo,
you are a softie not a sucker

Anonymous said...

Take a picture please!