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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Insanity Defined

Before you go thinking that this dog thing just came out of the blue, let me say this. I've been talking myself OUT of having a second dog in the family for probably a couple of months now. Maybe six. Okay... last Christmas I was actually entertaining images of boxes of puppies and kittens beneath the tree. But I talked myself out of it -- see? I'm not completely crazy.

Last week, in fact, the local animal fund had a photograph of our dog (only in yellow) on the front page of the paper. I showed it to hubby and said, "Don't you think maybe it is a sign? This is a blonde version of Naisey." (who is a wonderful, brilliant little dog)

Well he didn't think so. But I'm thinking perhaps the real softie in this family is dear hubby. He could have ignored the dog on our steps yesterday morning. He could have shooed it away and I'd have never suspected anything. But he didn't. He called me outside, and in fewer than 24 hours he has patiently allowed his sleep to be disturbed (I had to take her for a potty break at 2AM) AND he's cleaned up the one in-house accident. Oh, he also upgraded our kennel last evening. She really did look like a much smaller dog when she was cowering on our step yesterday morning (and I was out selecting a crate). Middle Munchkin was declaring by supper-time yesterday that she was pretty sure the dog had already grown.

I have a feeling we are going to be hearing more of that.

Sooterkin, our cat, has been affected too. In fact, she blew up to about 10 times her normal size upon meeting the pup sometime mid-morning. It took her hours to get her fur back in place. The really fun thing is the sudden solidarity of our two in-residence pets. It just takes a stranger in the house for Naisey to admit that Soot isn't so bad as a companion. They BOTH slept on my feet last night and Naisey didn't growl at Soot once!

Soot, on the other hand, kept approaching me last night while I was sleeping. I'd wake up to feel this cat face watching me. It was if she was demanding that I think harder about this. "Exactly WHAT are you bringing into this house, lady?"

Did I mention that this is a pup nowhere near past the chewing things stage? Rand rescued my shoes this morning. I bought dog chews yesterday thinking it would give her something to entertain herself. Pup promptly inhaled one in under 60 seconds. Chomp! Chomp! Can I have another please?

And is she actually ours? Well... no reports matching her description at the city pound. No photos on the bulletin board at the grocery store down the street (though there is someone selling black German Shephard puppies - 9 1/2 weeks -- but the photos don't look like her). I turned a report in to the Humane Society. Apparently they have a process for establishing ownership.

Oh yes, you asked for pictures.

Remember, I'm not insane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... that looks like an Aunt Nettie
kind of dog... Like around 80lb adult
Oh yeah!!!