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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just Me Looking Normal

I have this bad habit of picking up ponytail holders around the house and sticking them in my hair. If I leave them in my pants pockets, I end up washing them. So my hair is a good holder until I make it to the bathroom to deposit them all in the hair things box.

Well, tonight munchkin #1 and I were out walking the dogs (I have a dog-walking buddy now, yeah!) and I suddenly remembered that I probably had a few odd little tails sprouting from my head. My hair is not all that long right now, so ponytails aren't exactly fitting.

So I asked dear daughter, "Do I look weird? Bizarre? Crazy?"

She assessed my head, inspecting the ponytails I had tucked here and there and said, "Nah. If you were one of those moms who like... spent time fixing their hair or something... then you might look kind of funny. But since you're not. You just look normal."

Now... how to take a comment like that.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!I'm dying here!!!Hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Picture please of normal...
who knows maybe its the new style