
You can now find me writing here...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The entry I posted, took down, put up again...

Yeah, so sometimes I'm a basket case. What of it?

So when someone prides herself on being rather creative of mind and has proven to herself on more than one occasion that she is capable of doing creative-type work on a deadline, for a paycheck, etc…. WHY is it that she continues to choke—argh—even become blue in the face while searching for words (the very thing she accuses herself of being somewhat creative with) when someone says, “Hey, could you write _________?”

Why? Can you tell me, WHY?

You know what? Send me an email so that I can agonize over the interview questions and perhaps come off sounding somewhat articulate and… hey, perhaps even intelligent. That would be a good start.

I am writing for money. That is a very, VERY good thing. Writing = I love it. Writing = I do it anyway. Writing = Might as well pay a bill or two along the way, right?

I have to count on my fingers AND toes to count the total number of writing (just writing) jobs I’ve had to date and have to recruit the fingers and toes of other folk nearby to tally freelance jobs, in general, and STILL going for that next gig always trips me up a little.

I suppose the key to faking confidence is to never admit in public just exactly what’s happening on the inside. Perhaps having a blog titled “Inside My Head” is not the brightest move. Perhaps I should rethink the benefits of anonymity.

Perhaps I just need a few yoga breaths and some perspective. In spite of it all, I still think freelance is better than a 9to5er.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why? I'll give a go at why???
Because it's their idea and not yours...
someone else is telling you what to do...
it's removing the "free" out of freelance...