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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm two kids short for the second day in a row and it feels really weird. I spent all of about three minutes enjoying the silence yesterday, then spent the rest of the day wondering if they were having fun, hoping that they were enjoying themselves, and missing their chatter and conversation. Can't say that I like it much, but the week will pass quickly as all weeks do.

It's just a day camp and the younger two were SO eager to try it out. They had fun yesterday, but they were also full of questions. For most of the kids attending, it's something to fill their summer hours while their folks are working. My kids were envisioning a grand adventure, picturing a week in the woods living like true pirates (the camp has a pirate theme). Kaman said last night, "It's not quite the adventure I hoped it was going to be, but it is fun."

I think we do enough adventuring in our day-to-day lives that it is going to be hard for just any old day camp to come up with something more grand. It's a new setting. It must add to the excitement to be doing it on their own... or with another group of kids, at least. As long as they are happy with it and choose to return day after day, I'm happy with it to.

On the bonus side, this is giving Evie, my oldest, and I lots of time just one-on-one. We've been prepping for the 4-H dog show and with all the extra time this week we are staging two practice sessions for Naisey each day. We took a bike ride to the bookstore yesterday. Spent a lovely, leisurely afternoon just browsing. Made it home just as the rain started to sprinkle and were safely indoors before the pour-down hit.

Another bonus... LOTS of time for getting stuff done. Unfortunately, extra time is never a good stimulus for me and getting things done. So I've got work to do, and am struggling to make myself do it.

So why am I still here, you might ask?

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Hi Tracy...I'm tagging you!! click here