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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This is the first weekend that we did not ride bikes to the Farmer's Market. We took the car, instead. It was raining. It's been raining since Wednesday. Not pouring down rain, just a light, CONTINUOUS drizzle. I've walked the dog in the rain. Checked my tomato plants in the rain. Been getting the mail in the rain. By Friday -- yesterday -- I was really hoping for a bit of sunshine. My kids got up at 8 yesterday morning and went outside to play anyway... in the rain.

This afternoon I walked to the river to see how far up it was. It was high, but not flood-level high. It drizzled on me the entire walk there and home again.

Forecast says we can expect more rain.

At least we got some pretties at the Farmer's Market. Bought enough tomatoes this week to start putting some away for winter.


Anonymous said...

Boy, those sure look good! I didn't make it to the market yesterday because of guessed it....rain! I'm kicking myself now for not going. Our rain here yesterday was pretty heavy and soaking, though.

Anonymous said...

pic looks like a 4H plate, gets a
blue ribbon

Samantha said...

Lovely! We were going to go camping but did not. Didn't get to the farmer marker either. Drats!

LoryKC said...

We sold the house a while ago but the new buyers won't move in until August. They were worried about the lawn, sprinkler system, etc. We set it but since we've left, it doesn't sound like it needed it--Kansas is staying pretty wet this summer, it seems!