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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Conversations with the Kids

K: Mom, why do the other kids at camp have problems with inappropriate words and we don't?

Me: Um... I'm not sure how to answer that.

The answer, giving it further thought, is that we talk to our kids about using language appropriately, but we don't assign words as usable or not. For instance, we probably won't say that you can't say a particular word, but we might suggest that it's a word you shouldn't use in front of the grandparents. Further conversation with Kaman led me to believe that he learned a LOT about language last week at camp that he didn't know before.

Me: So tell me about some of the kids at camp, Kaman.

K: Well, I don't really know any kids at camp. I don't talk to any of them. I only talk to my friends.

Me: Tell me about your friends, then.

K: Well, there's Sara and Kelsey. And there's that girl in Maddie's group. I don't remember her name. And there's the girl with the same name as the girl I love. Then there's Monique.

Interesting. He is differentiating between "friends" and friends who are girls, apparently. This is something my girls have never done. He's six. Is it time for me to start worrying?

Me: So, Evie, how did it feel to be an only child this week?

E: Ehh. It was alright. For the first day or so, it was kind of neat.

Me: You missed having them around?

E: Well, yeah. But I'll tell you what. If you didn't have your writing to distract you, you would have driven me crazy.

So I guess this settles it. I was, indeed, meant to be a three-kid mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved Evie's comment!!! (Still chuckling..)