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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Personal Oath

Note: I have this habit of posting entries as drafts rather than published posts. Often I write something I think I want to sit on or review before sharing with the world. This week I've been sorting through old drafts and finding a number of them that, frankly, I am surprised I did not publish. This was written late last year, but upon reading it again, I liked it and it still feels applicable. So here it is...

I long ago decided to “give up” listening to whatever messages the world was sending me about what I should aspire to be and “give in” to what I was passionate about. I guess I subscribe to follow-your-bliss theory. You only live once. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Your life will be what you make of it. Why not make it what you dream?

None-the-less, my passions have led me places I’ve not always imagined I would go. It’s not always been clear, for instance, that I am a writer, an artist, a mother, or a wife. Sometimes I’m surprised to find that my voice has led me to be an advocate, a scholar, a teacher, or a resource for some subject I never thought I had much interest in. I will find myself settling into one of those roles only to realize that I’ve arrived again as student, explorer, scientist, or someone who creates. It’s a continual quest—this living life—and the prize is not so much where you end up as how you wind up getting there.

Each time I approach my writing or some other form of artistry or craft with renewed vigor and focus, I find that the detours I’ve taken along the way have rarely done more than strengthen the opportunities ahead or given me new tools to work with.

I’m no longer going to apologize for straying from my path, for it’s not a path that is prescribed by anyone but me. Instead, I will look forward to the place where these steps will take me. I will recognize that my pursuits are connected, even if only within my own head, and my life is whole. I will take the time to cheer others along their paths, but dutifully remain my own guide and decision maker.

There should be no guilt in following one’s heart.

There should be no guilt in pursuing that which others might deem unworthy.

There should be no guilt in deciding for one’s self or deciding to go against what’s tried and true.

I will not feel guilty. I will continue to follow my bliss.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

If not now, when?
Great post!