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Friday, June 15, 2007

In my next life I want to be a chocolate artisan.

Who knew chocolate could be so entertaining... as well as yummy.

Kim Redeker of The Sweet Granada tells a little something about chocolate.

Impressive numbers: The Sweet Granada gets 500-800 pounds of chocolate trucked in every four weeks or so.

The girls and I went with some 4-Hers to the Sweet Granada this evening. It was an excellent way to spend some time. We got to make our own chocolates, we learned what separates gourmet chocolate from your run-of-the-mill Hershey bar, and we brought some samples home. Yeah!

The girls making chocolates.

These are cacao beans. Things I did not know:

  • The cacao bean was first used as currency.
  • Cacao trees grow only in latitudes 10 degrees from the equator.
  • The beans are from pods about the size of a football.
  • Cacao beans are separated into liquer and butter. Dark chocolate is made primarily of liqueur. Milk chocolate is a mix of the two. White chocolate is made only from the butter.
  • It is the liqueur that is bad for dogs. So while it is true that you shouldn't feed a dog chocolate (dark or milk), white chocolate doesn't hurt them. You can buy your dog white chocolate dipped dog bones at The Sweet Granada.


Melissa said...

Interesting evening! Was that Heaven?

Anonymous said...

oh wow! that's very interesting chocolate facts! Mom and I stopped off for truffles at Russell Stover just yesterday! Yummy favorite thing to do!

LoryKC said...

Dog bones dipped in white chocolate? That's when you know you really love your dog! ;)
That is interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind when the kids finally get the dog!