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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Can you believe there was a day when...

I could do this?

or this?

Had a visit from an old friend today. Not old -- a friend from a long time ago. Another life, really. Back in the days when all I thought about was perfecting that ariel cartwheel and trying to get the splits in all THREE directions.

It was so much fun catching up and I only wish we'd had more time. She says she can still do splits in two directions! I gave up that game a long time ago.

Funny that so many years have passed and yet we were able to fall into conversation so easily. She has three kids. I have three kids. Her first two match my first two almost exactly in age. She homeschools. I homeschool. And we both marvel that there was a time when we had strong enough tummy muscles to pull our toes from the ground to the bar without hesitation.

Good times. So many memories of good times just bubbling in my head.

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