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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Waking Up!

Yesterday afternoon I suggested to the kids that we walk to the zoo. They were ALL over that idea. I was a bit surprised, but I guess they were feeling as restless as I was. So we set out with the dog and cameras in hand. We neglected to take, of course, important things like water bottles and snacks.

We got to the zoo with no problem and the girls spent a lot of time taking pictures of the animals. Little boy and some sort of medieval game running through his head. He was shooting things with his musket/stick all the way and would fill me in on the action now and then. From the zoo, we went on over to the old bridge that crosses the river that runs just south of town. This is a favorite spot for my kids. It's kind of dirty, which bothers me, but I like the sound of running water and the kids always feel like they are on a real adventure. Usually they spend a lot of time "exploring" here, but they must have been feeling rather fatigued as they all found flat spots and just kind of sat and watched the water. There was a guy fishing across the way, so he was interesting to watch for a bit.

We began the journey home really missing those water bottles and also wishing I had stashed a few candy bars in my bag. People had been arriving at the zoo with ice cream and I was feeling kind of bummed that I didn't have any money in my pocket to get our own. The kids were troopers, however, and we made a leisurely way home. Stopped at the park on the way to rest.

I was surprised when we got home to see we had been gone for more than three hours. I sat down to read the paper and my body immediately started thinking about a nap. So I found my book and got through a couple of pages before all the lights went out.

I managed to pull myself awake long enough for a small meal and a few more pages of my book. At 9pm, hubby asked if I was going to sleep on top of the covers all night, or try something a little more conventional. I showered, found jammies, and had absolutely no problem falling back asleep.

It seems like the first few really big outings of the season always affect me like this. Feels good; but saps me to the core. I wonder if the processing of vitamin D from the sun is something your body has to adjust to when you've been holed up for so much of the winter.

Anyway, I have the sensation of waking up from an enormously satisfying nap. Sleep still in my eye, but ready to face a new day.


Melissa said...

Now I know why you were MIA on IM last night! You were recharging your batteries! Sounds like a lovely day. Rest up for this weekend! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sometime I'd like to go on one of these adventures with you and your kids.