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Monday, March 26, 2007

Some Writerly News

I received a "maybe" on a fiction piece today! It was actually a rather confusing maybe. I got the story back in the mail just prior to leaving for vacation and had decided it was a "no thank you." Then I got a phone call today saying my letter had been misplaced and they are actually asking for a rewrite.

I can do that.

I'm not crossing my fingers (makes it too hard to type), but you can for me if you want to. I'll keep you updated if/when I hear more.

Until then... there is writing, writing, writing to be done, but before I go, here are a couple more pictures from last week.

Mom's buddah is still laughing. And yes, I always rub his belly when I get a chance.

I still think of these as Mom's daffodils, but I'm sure Dad and Pat deserve the credit for keeping the flowers so pretty now.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! ;)