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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Overheard at Our House

Conversation #1
Munchkin #3: Hey, do you want to play this game with me?

Munchkin #2: What game?

Munchkin #3: This game I made up just now.

Munchkin #2: I don't want to play that game with you. You always cheat!

Conversation #2
Me: Do these pants with the hole in the knee fit well enough that it would be worth cutting them off for shorts this summer?

Munchkin #1: Well... that depends. Are you going to actually sew the hem or are you going to use duck tape like last time?

In my defense, the last time was a quick-fix. I didn't intend for the duck tape to be permanent. None-the-less, I think my reputation has been made.

Another picture from western Kansas.
I'd read about the ice storms and spent hours looking at the pictures online, but it was still really something to see the damage in person. The utility workers were out there with trucks and lifts still working on removing these large towers which had crumpled under the weight of the ice.

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