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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Chased Some Dust Bunnies

I somehow ended up cleaning yesterday even though I didn't really set out to do much more than load the dish washer. Once I got started, however, I just couldn't stop myself. At some point I realized I was kicking into Spring Cleaning mode. I was sorting the kids clothes into piles of outgrown, still good for summer, and should be put away for next winter. I didn't get too far into that process, but I did clean beneath the couch and the cushions, took blankets out for fresh air, chased dust bunnies (lots of dust bunnies) from cracks and crevices....

Aside from two rooms (the bathroom and the laundry room/porch) the whole family is walking around saying, "Isn't our house lovely? It's so clean."

I can't decide if I'm going to tackle the laundry room today or put it off for another day. Since I'm not forced to spend a lot of time there and I can still GET to the washer, I'm not feeling particularly urgent about the situation. However, I noticed yesterday that the kids had all given up on placing recyclables in the appropriate containers (also located in the laundry area). Even I opened the door a couple of times and just tossed in the general direction.

I guess that's a sign that it's time to take some action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was in jr/sr high, my best friend's mom would "hire" us to help with her spring cleaning. We took bedrooms apart, cleaned the springs and mattresses, dusted woodwork and corners that were covered with furniture, and washed the walls! Now I'm not saying I go so far as to wash walls, but I do try to deep clean on some level in spring and the fall. With my mother it was never the big affair my friend's mom made it. I'm glad you enjoy the work. Just think how it would get if we didn't get after it so hard now and then! LOL