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Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. James Day!

It's St. James Day.

I'm not normally the biggest fan of basketball, but I do tend to enjoy this time of year. It seems like the best parties were always thrown during the NCAA tournament and as adults we have continued we are continuing that tradition.

Some Memories:
In 1988, before St. James Day became an official holiday, the Jayhawks won the whole banana. There was a whole huge gang of us gathering in Dodge City to watch those games.

In 1996, hubby was worried that the pending arrival of kiddo #1 would coincide with a KU game. It didn't. We stayed up till midnight watching a game and labor began a blissful 2 hours of sleep later! We were well rested enough to catch the second KU game that year, but unfortunately we lost.

In 2006, we got to celebrate St. James Day with the brother-in-law and family, something that doesn't happen nearly enough, but hopefully that will change in years to come.

In honor of St. James Day...

Okay, it has nothing to do with St. James Day. Stuff is coming up and for the next 8 days, you can expect to hear from me sporadically, if at all. I'm giving myself a break from daily blogging. Back to your regularly scheduled program a week from Monday.

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