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Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Feast

Feast 128, courtesy of Susan.

If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn?

I took piano lessons for six years as a kid and the ONLY thing I have to show for it is The Entertainer.... and the music teacher didn't teach me that. She deemed it "too advanced" for my skills. So I taught myself. Six years, and I still can't read music well, but I hear music well and... I guess my point is that I'm not sure I would take music lessons if I wanted to learn to play another musical instrument. I might, but more likely I'd just teach myself. The spark is not there right now, but I suppose if I ever lean that direction I might like to play the saxophone. More likely, if I ever decide a musical accomplishment is important to my life (other than singing with the radio) I will tackle the piano piece, Hugarian Rhapsody. It's another song I would like to play well. My sister played it all the time when I was a kid and she copied the sheet music for me about 10 years ago. It's a tough one, but if it and The Entertainer were the only two musical pieces in my piano keys, I'd be happy.

Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?

Actually, yes... Hubby and I were looking for a movie to watch. We were in the video section of the grocery store we frequented in Houston. He had this shiny black wind breaker that he always wore. I had browsed with little luck, so when I came upon hubby carrying a movie we'd already seen, I figured he was having similar problems. I approached him and leaned my head against the shoulder of his shiny black windbreaker, "Oh Bubbi -- we've already seen that one." He responded, "Um... I don't think so." So I said, "We have. We just watched it." And he said, "Um... I really don't think so, Ma'am." It was about that time that I realized the shiny black windbreaker I was about to throw my arms around was NOT dear hubby. Poor guy was so flustered, wasn't sure if he had a crazy stalker on his hands or what. Needless to say, I made a quick escape.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how well do you keep secrets?

Hmm.... I'd have to say I'm a 9 or so. I don't like secrets and, in general, I'd prefer if you had one you didn't tell me. I am completely capable of keeping a secret, I'd just prefer I didn't have to, I suppose. I guess it would all really depend on the secret and why it was a secret. I did pretty good with this one.

Main Course
What's the closest you've ever been to a dangerous animal?

I guess that depends on what you consider a dangerous animal. I rode horses almost daily through my early teen years. I grew up in a rural area, so being around animals was the norm. There was always a bull in somebody's pasture you weren't supposed to mess with and those momma sows could be pretty darned aggressive. But "classically" dangerous, as in lions and tigers and bears... well, my girls actually had their pictures taken with a baby tiger from this sanctuary when they were younger. The big tiger wasn't there. We only saw a young one the size of a large cat. That news story has haunted me ever since, however.

When was the last time you lost your patience?

I'm the mother of three... it would be dishonest to claim I don't remember. It was likely recently and possibly even last night (I tend to lose patience more easily when I am tired). I'd like to believe, however, that I'm much better at handling myself when I lose patience these days. (In short, I think the kids hardly notice.) I've grown right along with my kids. I also have a hubby who is pretty good at stepping in and saying, "You look like you're about done. Why don't you go take a shower/read a book/head to bed early/whatever." He keeps me sane and he keeps me from falling over the patience line.


Hootin Anni said...

Love the soup you served us this week!!!

All I can say is....only in Houston!!! That is a crazy city. rofl
(just kidding)

But, I hadda laugh being Texan myself and all.

Happy Friday. Enjoyed your whole feast.

Mine's served, hope you can join me if you find time.

Unknown said...

Great feast and the secret keeping..You sounds like a great friend