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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Book Review: Mr. Right Now

Mr. Right Now, by Monica Jackson
Though she might not like to brag about the Kansas part, Monica Jackson is a Kansas author who has multiple published books to her name and a growing list of awards. She’s the real thing. Perhaps not rolling in the money (how many real writers do that?), but a published novelist who is working AS a writer and meeting deadlines and seeing her name come out on book after book.

Mr. Right Now is a romance novel (Monica’s staple genre) with a little bit more. I believe it would be categorized as a paranormal romance. I’d read enough of Monica’s offerings online that I knew this paranormal aspect of her stories appealed to me. The delightful surprise, however, was the humor involved. How can you not love a cigar-smoking, lizard-looking demon whose main threat is as the messenger? He wasn’t so much evil as he seemed a poor schmuck that was stuck doing evil’s bidding. I found myself looking forward to his arrival each time.

Luby, the main character, is the kind of smart girl I respect. She isn’t accustomed to falling all over herself for a man and she’s a good and loyal friend. Brains or no, she falls for the “wrong” guy anyway and through the course of the story she deals with mother issues that, paranormal or not, I found myself empathizing with.

Oh, (blush)… and the sexy parts weren’t half-bad either.

If my count is correct, Monica Jackson is the author of 10 novels and 8 novellas. Among her many awards, she has been selected as the Winner of Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, Winner of Romance in Color’s Award of Excellence Award, and Winner of Romance in Color’s Reviewer’s Choice Award…

You can find a complete list of Monica’s published work here.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I'm pretty sure this one is on my to read list, if not it is now. If you liked it I'm sure I will too:) I'm shamelessly copying you and put a book review up on my blog today and hope to have one up next Sunday too.