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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Moving Plan

Today I am FINALLY making up a master moving plan… though I still don’t have enough details to make me feel like I really know what I am doing. It’s not THE moving plan I’ve been thinking of all this time. We are just moving our current mobile home to our new town. Real house hunting will commence some time down the road... hopefully not TOO far down the road. Gas prices, of course, have made the realities of hubby commuting far more painful than they ought to be. Combined with toll road fees, general wear on the car, and the fact that we can think of better things for him to do with those two hours a day… well, it just makes sense to go now.

Putting a positive spin on things – this is the bonus to having a home with wheels, right? You can pick up and move when it becomes necessary. I was looking forward to that good, thorough house cleaning that goes with a true move. I imagine some of that will happen as it won’t be good to move the home with all this weight in it, but I see myself just shoveling and dumping at this point. Maybe (hopefully), I’ll feel differently in a few days. Right now the idea of even cleaning my DESK off makes me want to run whimpering to my bed.

What I know so far… we have a potential week’s worth of homelessness to look forward to during the transition; the cost of moving a mobile home is not NEARLY as bad as I had feared, but there are plenty of hoops/permits to jump through to get one from A to B; when it all comes together it is likely going to happen really fast and I am REALLY, REALLY looking forward to getting to that point.

In June it will be three years that we have lived here. We came so that hubby could go to law school. We never looked at it as a permanent move. I will admit that I had some major anxieties in the beginning, but we approached it like an adventure and it turned out to be a really good one. I didn’t expect to get so attached to the place. There is a lot to like about this town; the library, good bookstores, a fairly good variety in restaurants, an awesome and beautiful park system… never mind the fact that we’ve made some wonderful friends and we do plan on hanging on to those relationships.

I know there will be a lot to like about our new town, as well. We’ve done enough exploring that the kids have declared it “cute” are looking forward to it. They are older now, so the anxiety is a bit more than with our last move, but I think they will do just fine.

Anyway, I guess that if there is any silence from me over the next few weeks (hopefully not more than 2-3 weeks) it can be assumed that I am consumed with sorting/packing/organizing activities. Hopefully there will be good things to report in the coming days.


Samantha said...

I hope your move goes smoothly. We will miss seeing you if you don't get up here as often as you'd like. I'm glad you moved close by so I could make a good friend. Sniff, Sniff.

LoryKC said...

Good luck with the move!

Our moves have not been close enough yet to check the town out more than once (when we've gone househunting) so the kids have never seen their new town beforehand. It's good that your kids have not only seen it but think it's "cute!" You're off to a great start!