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Sunday, March 12, 2006


Technically, I think we have a week or so to go before the official first day of spring arrives. And even though we've had a number of spring-like days the past couple of weeks, it wasn't until today that I finally felt it... deep down, in the bones.

I stayed with a friend near Kansas City last night and drove home this morning just after one of those really powerful spring storms swept through. We saw a little hail where we were staying. They just got rain here at home (thank goodness). Lawrence was hit pretty hard and some areas of Kansas City, as well.

But what I noticed, taking the dog for her morning walk, was that GREEN seems to have just sprung up everywhere! I could smell it. Later, tension building from within, I finally broke down and went for a rambling, hour long walk. It was wonderful!

All the trees had fat little buds on them. Green was peeking from beneath the winter's yellow lawns. Moisture hung in the air and the aroma of spring was just everywhere. People were outside -- kids playing, folks messing in their yards and sorting through lawn tools in their garages. Every person I passed was smiling and greetings were exchanged.

It's hard not to smile when spring is really here.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

The birds are singing, the sun is's great, isn't it?