
You can now find me writing here...

Friday, March 10, 2006

What I have learned about the creative process...

  1. Occasionally the muse arrives, unbeckoned, at your door,
  2. but more often you have to seek her out, maybe even chase her down, and sit on her.
  3. When you spend time with your muse (creating things), she'll often give you more inspiration than you can utilize,
  4. and even though it sometimes keeps you up till 2 am, making lists of all the great ideas that are bubbling through your head,
  5. it's thrilling.
  6. Yet, all the creative energy in the world doesn't remove the fact that dishes have to be washed, children have to be fed, and bills have to be paid.

That's what is inside my head, today.


Samantha said...

#6 just rots sometimes, dang that need for food and money. Maybe we need to put our cretive energy together and find a way around all that :) If only we could eat my crochet and you could clean the house with your words.

LoryKC said...

I've started leaving the computer on and walking back and forth between it and the kitchen while I put dishes away, type a little, rinse the dirty ones, type a little more, put them in the dishwasher, type a little more.
I usually get all of the brilliant ideas down but it ain't pretty!
One day, when we get that 8th day during the week, I'll work them all into amazing stories!!!