
You can now find me writing here...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Sister has the Power of Magic

This is what is looked like from here. The girls were on the computer, comparing the conditions of their neopets and checking email. The chatter was ongoing, but there was a sudden rise in volume.

"Mom! Can we use the camera?"

"Mom! Will you show me how to send picture attachments?"

My answer was "sure" to both of these questions.

Then they dashed off to their rooms and began... cleaning.

What the... ?

Apparently, my sister had sent them both emails asking about our recent house rearrangments. She had requested pictures. She had also requested that the kids be IN the pictures.

So, after a flurry of activity in their rooms, the oldest one had to shower AND wash her hair. Then they were ready to begin the show & tell process.

This is the tool every unschooling/homeschooling mom needs... a Magic Aunt. With the click of a button, she encourages cooperative cleaning (including the making of beds!) and a flurry of "educational" activities. We covered downloading photos (or is it uploading?), email attachments, and plenty of spelling/writing/typing (captions for the pictures).

And I'm STILL sitting here flabbergasted that they were so excited about cleaning their rooms.


LoryKC said...

I am going to pass this story on to all of my sisters, if you don't mind! ;)
Only one of my kids can read her email on her own but if we can get her going...maybe the other will follow!

Anonymous said...

Amazing how great one can be
on an impulse....
But when I'm actually trying
to be great...well...