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Thursday, March 23, 2006

It seems like only yesterday…

10 years ago, today (from a momma’s paper journal for her baby girl) – We stayed up Friday night watching the KU basketball game. Got to bed around midnight. I actually did have my house cleaning spurt (nesting, just as the midwife had promised) during the second half of the ballgame. I managed to do the dishes, scrub the toilet, do a load of laundry, AND clean off the table. At about 1:20am, I woke up with a pretty intense contraction. We got up and did all the labor preparation stuff with the idea that we could go back to bed. By that time, however, the contractions were coming every 5-6 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds….

Regarding the events at approximately 2:12pm on Saturday: You were very still there on my stomach and taking these really shallow breaths. Finally, you let out a little whimper. I didn’t even look for several minutes to see if you were a boy or a girl. Just having you there in my arms was enough. You had your eyes open and you were looking all around. The umbilical cord stopped pulsing and the midwife tied it… You are the most beautiful baby. I don’t remember ever seeing anything so perfect. I am amazed that you came from the two of us – Rand and me.

9 years ago –
Words you are saying:
Da-dee = I think this is daddy, but you say it a lot!
Kee-kee = kitty
Here-kee = here, kitty
Diaper = very clear
Ta-tou = thank you
You are also starting to say “bye” when you wave goodbye.

8 years ago – So much conversation! You were talking with your daddy. “You were? He asked. “I was,” you answered. Daddy was so excited. “You just conjugated an irregular verb in the past tense!” It’s true. We are extra geeky first-child parents.

7 years ago – First “I wanna be…” A farmer. We were walking over to Grandpa’s house and you said, “Mom, I wanna be a farmer and I want to have cows.” I told you that was just fine by me.

6 years ago – “Purple!” I heard you yell. “Mom, look! They have purple lipstick!!!” Read the whole story, here.

5 years ago –

You are still my little girl who is happy to dress up in princess dresses and pick dandelions and treat them as if they were the most beautiful flowers.

4 years ago – (from a momma’s observation book) “…forever quick to pick up new words and determine the meanings. You’ve developed a reputation for being clever and having a somewhat “dry” sense of humor. You are constantly mulling things over, and I am always pleased when you decide to share whatever is in your head with me. Rather reserved in new situations, you tend to utilize your little sister to combat “shy” attacks. You are very nurturing, particularly with your baby brother whom you tend to empathize with quite often…”

3 years ago –

I never cease to find delight in the smile that is always on your face.

2 years ago – (from a momma’s paper journal to her baby girl) “I know you’ve been on the road to reading for a while now, but it’s amazing to see you really doing it. You are on your 2nd Lemony Snickett book. You’ve been reading up on him on the web and everything. There are no secrets for my little girl now.

1 year ago – Birthday celebration was an invitation to your girlfriends for a meal at Bennigan's. I sat at a separate table and tried to give you all as much space as possible. You ordered a steak from the adult menu. Nothing you do should surprise me at this point, yet it continually does…

Today – You are ten years old, baby girl!!!

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...the big TEN! Happy Belated Birthday to her :)