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Friday, September 16, 2005

Who? Me, Officer?

So when the cop first waved me over this afternoon, it honestly didn't occur to me that he was waving ME over for something I had done wrong. When the kids started asking what was going on, I said maybe there had been some sort of accident or they were directing traffic because of the road construction. There were no flashing lights, after all. Just a cop in the middle of the road... with a radar gun.


I've never been one to dodge a speeding ticket (not that I've had a lot of experience with them). The one, two, (three?) that I've had, I've graciously accepted and paid without fanfare. Once, but only once, I guess I sort of smooth-talked my way into a warning rather than a ticket. I didn't really intend it to be that way, but I was visibly very pregnant and I did all the polite things -- sun glasses off, hands visible on the steering wheel, politely hanging my head out the window to "thank" the officer for asking how I was. My husband was flabergasted that it worked.

This time, the very polite officer explained how I had been speeding in a construction zone. All likely true. I was just driving. Following the guy in front (who was also getting a ticket, at least). It's not an excuse. I didn't even offer an explanation. Just give me my ticket so I can pay it and, yes, I definitely will be more cautious in the future. Truly, he had a good point.

My kids, however, were less easy to appease.

Why are you getting a ticket? What exactly is a ticket? Do you have to have tickets to drive? Does this mean you are a bad driver? Does this mean you can still drive? Why exactly were you speeding? What will they do to you now? Does everyone get tickets? Have you ever had a ticket before? How much will it cost? What is a court date? Will you go to court? Will you pay the ticket? Does this mean we don't get allowance this month?

Needless to say, they had comments about my "speed" all the way home. Most punishing, was the glee in Evie's voice when her Dad got home. "Mom got a ticket today!"

Guilty as charged.


Anonymous said...

I bet you know where to get a good lawyer or two! You are supposed to be concentrating on improving your time on the TRACK! ;-)

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