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Sunday, August 07, 2005

On the seventh day...

I got to see my kids again!

Seven days. It was a very long and quiet seven days. By Wednesday I was feeling pretty much down and out. I missed them like crazy. I wasn't sleeping well. I did spend a lot of time on my novel and got some other good work done... but man, I sure missed my kids.

However, they had a wonderful time with their cousins and... even though I think they missed us... I don't know that they missed us all that much.

Saturday night, I crawled into bed with my six-year-old and she started talking.

6YO: "Mom? I'm really glad you came when you did."

Me: "Me too. I really missed you guys."

6YO: "I was almost starting to forget what you looked like."

Talk about a line to make your heart clinch.

6YO: "I remembered the color of your hair, but I couldn't remember if you had freckles or not." I don't. "I kind of remembered your outline, but couldn't really remember your face."

Me: "Well, thank goodness I came when I did."

Saturday night was the best sleep in a week. Tonight should be even better since I'm actually back home and in my own bed.

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