
You can now find me writing here...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Work is exhausting me... yet, I get a warm feeling of satisfaction... being exhausted. It proves I'm doing something, right? So the store is open an extra hour right now for "back to school" traffic and last night I ended up staying two. Then up early this morning because, heh, I have freelance work to do, as well! Then, instead of taking a nap like I seriously thought I might... I took the kids to play at the lake. It was very worthwhile, the largest gathering our local homeschool group has had yet... and the kids had fun even though I made them run off early so that I could get... back to work.

Now I'm trying to convince my body it is time to sleep because I'm already going on two days a little short on shut-eye... but I'm just feeling smug and downright satisfied at all I've accomplished - home and work - and somehow that keeps me awake, even though I'm so tired I've got that spinny-head feeling like I'm a wee bit drunk.

No work at work tomorrow, only work at home. Yipee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so no feela guilty about lazy Monday