
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sometimes Bitching Makes me Feel Better

So there's this dead tree on the corner of our property. It's pretty obviously been dead for... many, many years. It's completely gone. Dead to the core. Barely a branch left and certainly no bark. It's one of those things we put on our list, when looking at the house, as "something we'll need to take care of."

Last Friday I finally got to that part of my big 'ole to-do list. I thought I'd give the city a call first. The tree is between the sidewalk and the road, I thought just maybe there was a chance that the city would take care of it -- being a potential road hazzard and all. Figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, at the very least.

I searched the list of city offices for a department that seemed appropriate, and the woman on the other end was perhaps less than friendly. After hearing my story, she suggested I call the parks and recreation department because they apparently will remove stumps, though she wasn't sure about entire trees.

The parks and recreation department phone was answered by an extremely friendly woman. Just chatty and nice and seemed to be all about helping me get the information I wanted. She said she would send some guys out to look at the tree, then call me back and let me know if they could help. She took my name and number and everything.

Today I receive a letter in the mail from the City Housing Office.

In short, it gives a legal description of our property, informs us that a complaint has been submitted regarding our dead tree, and tells us we have 30 days to comply with the City Code before the city will take action and bill us for any services they must render.


I'm thinking this tree has been dead for something like ages now and when I, the new homeowner, decide to do something about it, I end up receiving a more or less threat-letter demanding I remove the damned tree. I'm sorry -- but it seems to me like they've just plain lost their manners.

In fact, on my list today was to call back the very nice woman at the parks and recreation department to see if she had any information about my tree. And you know, I recognize that I shouldn't even feel pissy towards her, because she probably just joted a note and passed it on to Joe in the inspections department, who sent out helper Bob, who verified that my tree was dead and needing removal, who then filled out the proper paperwork (gee, aren't they quick?) and returned it to some other nice lady in the office who just types up these form letters and sends them off to all the property owners who dare to break city code.

"Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated."

Well, Dear City Housing Office, your cooperation has been greatly appreciated -- NOT! You bet I'll remove that darned 'ole tree. I sure as heck am not going to let the city profit from it's removal at this point.

Would a phone call saying, "You'll need to take care of that tree yourself," really have been all that difficult?

Well, it's off my chest anyway. Try to do the right thing, and manage to put myself on the city's 30-days-or-else list.

I'm just saying... sheesh!


Anonymous said...

A slice of mom's ole trumpet vine
would of done the trick..
Want a slice???

Anonymous said...

Don't you know a few good lawyers who could put the fear of the legal system in their hearts? LOL

I was thinking it was just our city government that was a tangled mess.

We had a big cedar tree removed from our back yard (stump, too) and it cost $250. Hubby's father used to pour a big bag of sugar on a stump and let the ants do their thing. It couldn't be done in less than 30 days, though!
Magoo's Mom

Tracy Million Simmons said...

Here's a kicker. We received THE EXACT SAME LETTER again on Wednesday! Perhaps they thought I didn't "hear" them the first time. Should I just forward the department a link to my blog? LOL

emily said...

We had a tree/city govt/whose land is it issue a few years back and it still makes me crazy when I remember.