
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Let Sleeping Cats get what they Deserve

We keep finding our cat, Sooterkin, curled up and sleeping in the clean laundry basket. She’s very cute, but it bugs my husband… and I can see his point. I mean, it is CLEAN laundry, after all, but technically it’s probably just semi-clean by the time we get to it… after the cat.

The fact of her sleeping in the clean laundry basket honestly doesn’t bother me all that much. The fact of her sleeping… comfortably… cozily… just snoozing away and looking all blissful in dreamland as cats tend to do… that?

Tends to bug me… a little.

So about the third time I walked by her this afternoon and saw her sleeping like royalty, this is what I did.

I put my face right down by her head and started purring… LOUDLY. I purred and rubbed my face all over hers. I purred and pushed her around with my forehead until I was sure she was wide awake… as well as annoyed. Then I purred just a little louder for good measure.

When I stood up again, all three of my kids were looking at me like I’d lost my marbles.

“What?” my oldest had such a bewildered look on her face.

The cat had her ears back and was glaring at me.

“Mom?” the middle one actually had one eyebrow raised.

My son was simply speechless.

I was only giving Sooter some payback, the same kind of undivided love and attention she gives me… every single morning… at 3am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah - revenge is sweet, isn't it?

But seriously - wouldn't you be enticed by someone just magically dropping not only a really comfy bed but one that had been pre-warmed in the dryer right in your room? Wouldn't you want to sleep there too?

Our eldest cat, Shelly, at age fifteen has taken to sleeping incredibly deeply. Where other cats in our house would wake up with the treatment you gave yours, Shelly would not. It's not for lack of hearing - when she's awake she has no trouble - she's just sleeping comfortably. I have, on more than one occasion, had to go over and make sure she hadn't died peacefully in her sleep she's so quiet and stll these days.