
Monday, September 11, 2006

What I did today...

I made a deliberate decision not to turn the television on today, not to browse the internet for remembrances, and... just not to let myself dwell on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. It's too easy to get all wrapped up and sad. It's too easy to cry and get angry over all the lives lost and fill yourself up with anxiety all over again. I decided I wouldn't do myself, or anybody else a bit of good if I let myself dwell... so I decided not to do it.


I spent the morning working on two of my passion projects -- and the Kansas Authors Club booklet for our 2006 youth writing contest. It felt good to be so productive and to feel like I'm doing my part to put something good out into the world.

I walked with my kids to the skate park. I took pictures of them doing their dare-devil stunts, up the hills, down the hills (the mini-hills, they have no desire to try the tough stuff yet) lots of falling on their behinds.

I sat out on the porch with my kids, enjoying the overcast day and cool weather. Played a little basketball. Watered a few flowers. Read another chapter of our current read-aloud book, The Chronicles of Narnia.

I helped my daughter work on record keeping for her betta fish breeding project.

I watched my son release a butterfly. He had named the butterfly Charlie (cause it can be a name for a girl OR a boy). He called goodbye as it flitted away.

I ate oatmeal butterscotch cookies, as my daughter and hubby pulled them warm from the oven.

I spent two full hours working on my newest writing project, the diversion that I'm having so much fun with.

I listened to my kids laugh as they danced and danced, watching their reflections in the patio door. There is no sound more wonderful.

I may have chosen not to dwell, but I have not forgotten.

Today still is...
Today will continue to be...

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