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Friday, August 13, 2010


I thought after fair that things would slow down considerably... and they have. Only I keep finding my to-do list longer than my arm. I'm keeping checklists again to maintain my sanity. It's the only way to sleep without constantly waking to ask myself what I missed. I'm okay with it. Checklists have always been my way of keeping a forward momentum. But it occurs to me that part of the reason it still fills like I am full-up is that, for the most part, I haven't let myself "work" from sun up to sun down. I've been quitting at noon-ish, taking Sundays and Mondays off, and some on Friday if I can manage. So I guess you would say time living with "no checklist" is on my checklist too. This is the way I'm balancing for now. I think it's going alright.

Munchkin #1 says, "Isn't it funny that our dog has a strict bedtime and we do not?" I suppose it does seem odd. The kids have never had a bedtime. I know that sounds ludicrous to many, but it's worked very well for us. We have an agreement that once someone in the house goes to bed, the only rule is that everyone still awake respects that people are sleeping. Except for a few minor occasions, it's never been a problem. The dog, on the other hand, goes to bed at 9pm on the dot. We figure it's only fair to the cat, who deserves a little time to have run of the house. If only the dog and cat could live as peaceably together as the people in our house.

Munchkin Boy is working his way through the animal kingdom, becoming "expert" on animals, many of which I had never before even heard the names. In two short weeks, I've gone from a deadly serious "no more animals in this house" policy to seriously contemplating the addition of a gecko, a guinea pig, and fish. I even found myself nodding my head in agreement to a recent request that I consider letting him raise some sort of tropical cockroach. Have I truly lost my mind?


The hubby has been attending Thursday night bike rides with a group here in town. They go about 20 miles. He's having a great time. I'm tempted, but not quite sure I'm of group riding material. He and I have been doing a ride on the weekends. I know I can handle the miles. I just need to get over my hangups (old lady bike with a beat up basket on the front, what if I'm too slow, what if I weave and am the cause of a 20 bike pileup) and go for it.

Suffering from an overabundance of cucumbers, I bought fresh dill at the market on Wednesday and the kids and I made pickles yesterday. It was an immensely satisfying experience. I won't know how they taste for a few weeks, but they sure are pretty sitting there in those jars.  


Adventure Monkey said...

Hope to see you on the next Thursday night ride! Don't worry, it's a "no drop" ride - no one left behind.

DuckieMom said...

Yes, you are crazy. Cockroaches are to be stepped on, not kept as pets! Guinea pigs are great pets, so I'd go with that one. 8^)