
You can now find me writing here...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Now that I no longer smell like livestock...

That'll teach me to write about smelling like a sheep. I assumed when I posted that I'd be back a time or two with something more interesting to post, but WOW, what a week! Last week I gave a talk at 4-H club. It's been... 20-some years since I've had to do something like that. It was parent's night, and I had information on record book keeping that I needed to share anyway. I had the same feeling I always did 20-some years ago... I'm not really cut out to stand in front of people and talk. I'd much rather be writing...

Then on to spring cleaning type projects. Last year we redid our bathroom. This year we decided we needed to focus on the kids' rooms. Those who have been following might remember that we moved into this 100-year old house a couple of years ago. Well... along with the age came a plethora of carpets. The bedroom we tackled this weekend had 4.5 carpets in all -- one stacked on top the next. I knew it was going to be nasty. If I had known, however, that it was all going to clean up as easily as it did, I would have made this project a top priority before we even moved into this house.

The good news is that the bedroom is now 4 inches taller (Munchkin #1 can no longer touch the ceiling when standing on her tiptoes) and I feel SO much better about things being not quite so old and dirty. We'll have the carpet in the other bedroom pulled (fingers crossed) in a couple of weeks and probably do some painting and spiffing that room up, as well.

This was between the final 2 layers of carpet.

Starting to see what we had uncovered...

After substantial floor polishing and a repaint of the lower half of the room.

Finally, on Saturday we took a break to attend the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Lovely weather. Great day for a parade.

That's my Munchkin Boy, three boys back.

Munchkin Girls #1 & #2.

Here's our friend, the cutest little leprechaun in the parade.

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