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Monday, September 10, 2007

Madeleine L'Engle

I've not yet gotten my children interested in her stories, but I was entirely swept away by Madeleine L'Engle's books as a kid. I was sad when I heard she passed away last Thursday, but reading her story in the NY Times made me feel inspired all over again.

I think it's time to read the A Wrinkle in Time series again.

Ms. L’Engle’s writing career was going so badly in her 30s that she claimed she almost quit writing at 40. But then "Meet the Austins" was published in 1960, and she was already deeply into "Wrinkle." The inspiration came to her during a 10-week family camping trip.

That was just the start. She once described herself as a French peasant cook who drops a carrot in one pot, a piece of potato in another and an onion and a piece of meat in another.

"At dinnertime, you look and see which pot smells best and pull it forward," she was quoted as saying in a 2001 book, "Madeleine L’Engle (Herself): Reflections on a Writing Life," compiled by Carole F. Chase.

"The same is true with writing," she continued. "There are several pots on my backburners."


Anonymous said...

It's terrible but believe it or not I haven't read any L'Engle. There are whole sections of the library that I missed out on when I was the usual age for them that I haven't yet made it back to. Someday...

Anonymous said...

Three days. Seems like longer! ;-) I tried to comment on this the other day and had technical difficulty. I hadn't heard about her passing. I'm sad too. Her series was important to me growing up. I loved them. Maybe it was the era and being a child of the 70s. I've encouraged my kids to read her books, but no one has taken my suggestion yet!