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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Life with Pup

Okay... what I had forgotten was just how much work a puppy is! More than a baby -- I'm pretty sure. I guess I'd forgotten because the last time I was anywhere near a dog this young, I was about 13. And THAT dog was all of 20 pounds when he was full grown. This dog is currently 20 pounds -- a very skinny, underweight, malnourished 20 pounds. I'm estimating that she's about 3.5 months old. I'm eager to see what the vet says... to see if I'm right.

When Munchkin #1 was taking the "old" dog to obedience classes last year (early this year?) the instructor had a lot of advice for those with puppies. One piece--which I thought was gold--was to keep a young dog on a leash at your hip for most of the day as you are doing your thing around the house. This seems to serve a couple of purposes... 1) you and the dog REALLY get to know one another and 2) it keeps the pup in eyesight so it is less likely to wander off and chew something up or piddle on the floor.

So that has been our practice for the last couple of days. We take turns with the leash. The kids are doing really well being the primary caretakers, especially Munchkin #1 (the one who has really been championing for another dog).

However, it has been something of a distraction having a puppy underfoot all day long. And in spite of our best intentions, it seems like we are continually losing her!

Where's the pup?

In the bathroom! No! In the BATH TUB!! Eating... soap?

Where's the pup?

In the cat food (that one makes her puke - yuck!)

Where's the pup?

Eating the cord to the computer keyboard!!

Where's the pup?

Is she... peeing on the library books? No! Nooooo!!!!

Where's the pup?

Thinking about going after the cat... again!!

Where's the pup?

Going after the cat again... can't you hear them?

Where's the pup?

Where? Where? Everybody look quick!! Where?

Ah.... she's sleeping soundly in the corner. So sweet.


Anonymous said...

Ah! This sounds familiar! When Mario joined our family, we took turns having "dog duty" and that guy was in charge of keeping track of the dog and watching for signs he needed to go out. We also did the leash thing. All of it worked wonderfully. Of course, now, I can't take two steps without him by my side! He's my shadow! Can't wait to meet her! She is gorgeous and I bet your kids are thrilled.

Samantha said...

I'm sending dear hubby your way. I'm in no hurry for a pup.