
You can now find me writing here...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yes! I'm still here.

It seems like there is always at least one thing in my life that takes a back seat. Blogging happens to be there right now. Along with my poor wilty flowers in my "garden" and my clean laundry. (I'm getting it washed, but forever digging through baskets to find what I need to wear -- not a bad strategy if my clothes were the ONLY clothes in that basket).

We've managed two full weekends now without any spare moments in them. Lots of good and full moments, but very little sit-down and relax time. Which probably explains why my back is aching this morning. I'm mixing the heady labor with the physical stuff and my poor spoiled bones are protesting.

The good news is that the plumbing story is finally at a close. Zero leaks!! As well, we prettied up the place with new flooring and new bath walls. Give me a couple of months to recover and I'm going to tackle our own bathroom here at the house. When I succeed at that... I'm going to redo our kitchen. I expect that project to commence... oh, maybe by the end of 2008 or so.

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