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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

How to Abuse your Children

We've lived with minimal cable for more than four years now. This down from a satellite dish with literally hundreds of channels when we were still in western Kansas. In early April, we turned the cable off altogether. We are not committed television watchers anyway. Most of what we do watch ends up being on DVD or old video tapes. With spring in the air and life occupying us, we decided we wouldn't miss the television much.

So a couple of days ago, when I heard sounds of the Disney Channel in the other room, I was a bit confused. I went into the living room to find my three children watching a snowy white screen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We found Hannah Montana," they answered collectively.

And sure enough, they were happily watching a fuzzy, distorted picture of the Disney Channel. The sound comes in rather well.

1 comment:

LoryKC said...

LOL! My daughter would be right there with them! I think Hannah Montana ranks right up there with oxygen and food on her list of necessities! *sigh*
Stay cool!