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Monday, July 02, 2007

Writerly Stats

2007 Summary of Writing Efforts so Far:
Potentials out there: 11
Successes: 4
Retained for possible publication: 1
Rejections: 11

Writing is very much a "ball rolling" kind of endeavor. Let's just say I've got balls rolling in more directions than one. Feels good. Trying not to beat myself up about the 3+ years I took off while hubby went to law school. I know I thought I'd maintain and do it all, but I didn't. I just went to work for the paycheck. I lost the little bit of momentum I had built up and I'm not going to waste time wondering how it would have worked out if I approached it differently. And I guess that's the biggest lesson. I am approaching it differently now.

Without really intending to, I put aside much of the short fiction this month (except for recycling the rejects) and started working on a previous novel attempt again. I've found myself oddly inspired by this piece. My Turn: Reaching My Goal of Having No Life Plan. I've been musing greatly on goals and plans, long-term and short-term focuses, the journey, the path you take, embracing today, having some sort of compass in your life, balance... whatever.

In the last month I've written about health insurance, dental implants, unschooling, having a vegetarian kid, bike helmets, life after life as we know it, and grocery lists. Then there's fiction, of course. Whatever it is, it certainly seems colorful from here.

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